Glutathione Testimonials for DIABETES

Gary & Sally – “I have Fibromyalgia, Osteo Arthritis, Diabetes and Degenerative Disc disease. Most of my issues have been passed down from my parents. From the 3rd day of starting the GSH I noticed an increase in energy. After a week my pain level had dropped significantly. I was noticing my hands being more flexible and my knees hurting less. I have been able to increase my daily walk from a mile to over 3 miles in the 3 1/2 weeks since I started. I have so much more energy and my spirit and moods are GREAT! This has been wonderful for me to feel this good again. It has been 20 years since I have had the energy and joy I have now. With my pain level reduced I feel like smiling all day and have been able to reduce 2 med’s for my pain and stiffness and 1 med for my Diabetes. I notice that I can think more clearly and I feel 20 years younger. I had bunion surgery on my foot just before I started the GSH. This was the 2nd time I have had the surgery. My recuperation time was cut in half. I was back in shoes is 3 weeks and it was 2 months before I could wear a regular shoes the first time. Amazing! * My husband is a contractor and has used his body hard for 45 years. He has been on the GSH for the same amount of time as me. He calls them his “happy” pill. He has had much less pain in his hands and knees since he started . The main thing he noticed is that he used to be in bed by 8 at nite and sleep thru the nite till 7 AM. Now he is able to stay up later and wake us refreshed earlier in the day. The stamina he has received during the day has been amazing. He used to come home at noon and have to take pain med’s and a nap during lunch. He now plays with the Grandkids and takes no pain meds. Some of the side effects of his Diabetes medicines have been reduced as well since he started taking supplement. He loves the good feelings and never misses a dose. We are truly living younger and stronger with the GSH. We feel as we continue to take it we will be able to reduce our Med’s even more. Thank you for giving us our joy and health back!”


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